Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

My old websites.

Today I was talking online with Henrik a good friend I meet at Google Community nearly a year ago, I was telling him about how jack’s old site looked a bit like my old sites.

Then I thought to myself I wonder what did ever happen to all of my old sites, these where all ones I used to make for fun, so what did I don next? that’s right I searched for them, I knew most of them were not online anymore but maybe I could find a cd with them on, eventually I found near enough what I was looking for, a CD with most of my old sites, though they were not my oldest ones I have they were enough to make me laugh!

I’m so glad I found this CD because it also contained photos and videos of my Siamese cat called Simon which died last year in Spain after having bitten a processionary caterpillar. I think I will upload some photos of him for you too see that he really was a nice cat and I may also upload some of my old sites for you to laugh at, hehe.

Peace out.

Henriks site
Jacks old site
Google Community
Processionary caterpillars

1 thought on “My old websites.

memorizing stake percieve or not June 22, 2006 at 11:22 am

Cool site! I’ll be back. right pair will create slot without any questions

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