Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Seth Godin Speaks at Google

Just found a Blog post titled “Google’s Secrets Exposed” posted by Rick Segal on his Blog, and I must say thank you Rick for telling me about that Google Video with Seth Godin in it speaking to Google about its success.

Here’s a very good use of 48 minutes.

Seth Godin spoke to Google and, in 48 minutes, pretty much gave the talk every company of any size offering any  product or service should watch.

There is a pretty interesting moment that struck a cord with me.

Seth, in the video, talks about a Google shirt he wore in a NYC market. A lady selling peaches fawned all over him talking to him about how she loves Google, Google is her life.

Years ago, I was on vacation in Stockholm visiting the VASA museum. I was wearing my Microsoft developer relations coat with my Windows NT polo shirt. Yeah, I was geek pathetic, leave that aside.  A women comes up to my wife and I and says Do you work for Microsoft? Why yes I do, I say proudly.  She responds with a rant about not getting her Word upgrade and some other problem she was having with a support question.  Before my wife had a chance to grab her by the throat, I politely took her name/number (no email!) and promised somebody from the local office would call.

Slightly different times, slightly different issues but in end: Brand.

Watch the video, here. It is a great use of your time.

[Memo to Robert Scoble: Tell HR to make this mandatory viewing for all of MSFT.]

Via: Rick Segal’s Blog

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