Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Upgraded to WordPress 2.0.3

Just upgraded to WordPress 2.0.3! 🙂 The latest in the stable 2.0 series, 2.0.3, is now available for download. This is a bug fix and security release, and is recommended for all WordPress users. In addition to an issue that was raised on Bugtraq a few days ago, we’ve also backported a number of security enhancements from 2.1 to further

By - Darren Straight

Search Keyphrases May 2006 (Top 10)

515 different keyphrases where used to find my site in May 2006, here are the top 10 with the amount of time they were used and their percentage. | vtunnel | 812 | 40.5 % msn conspiracy game | 164 | 8.1 % darren straight | 30 | 1.4 % windows vista beta 2 download | 30 | 1.4 % vtunell | 29