Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Microsoft Student Search Supremo – the acid-sharp quiz!

There’s nothing better than proving your total superiority over all other living creatures. Sadly, you can’t quite prove it with Student Supremo – the acid-sharp online quiz. But you can win prizes. Lots of them. So can your university. I’ve played Student Supremo and I like it. Question is, can you beat my high score? 🙂 Find out now! http://www.microsoft.co.uk/studentsupremo

By - Darren Straight

The University of Kent at Medway Graduation Ceremony 2006

Just got back from my Foundation Degree in Information Technology Graduation Ceremony with The University of Kent at Medway (MidKent) and well what can I say. I was a little bit nervous of how it would go at first. But it turned out to be great! 😀 Now all I have to do is wait for next year for when