Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Improving E-mail Deliverability into Windows Live Hotmail

Looks like Microsoft’s document recently titled “Improving E-mail Deliverability into MSN Hotmail and Windows Live Mail” has been updated to reflect some of the recent changes within Windows Live Hotmail, the document now titled “Improving E-mail Deliverability into Windows Live Hotmail” can be located here. The document serves to provide an overview of the services, resources and best practices that marketers

By - Darren Straight

Windows Live Hotmail Unsubscribe Function gets tweaked

Microsoft has recently made a small adjustment to its Windows Live Hotmail unsubscribe function that should mean good things for marketers. Microsoft last August answered e-mail marketers’ calls to include an unsubscribe button in its interface so consumers will be less likely to mistakenly report permission-based commercial e-mail as spam. The unsubscribe link appears in place of the report-and-delete button