Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Threadless T-Shirts still only accepts Visa, Mastercard or American Express

Damn it, I’ve seen 3 Threadless T-Shirts I want to buy, but can’t due to Threadless still only accepting Visa, Mastercard or American Express Cards for payment.

I really can’t wait until the day that changes, I would love it if I could pay via some other form of payment like Switch/Maestro/Solo or even PayPal. But until then I’ll guess I’ll just have to wait, shame the ones I wanted are nearly gone out of stock too! 🙁

Maybe someone who has a credit card will buy me one for Christmas! 😀 Well I can wish can’t I 🙂 😉

1 thought on “Threadless T-Shirts still only accepts Visa, Mastercard or American Express

Carl M December 11, 2007 at 10:57 pm

OMG! I’ve sent them e-mails complaining about this issue and I do not see why they say PayPal doesn’t provide the security they need when you can buy TVs through well known retailers via PayPal.

I would have bought 4, near 5 shirts so far if they accepted PayPal. They’re losing out on some serious dosh.

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