Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Video: TweetFired – Fired from Job Because Of Twitter

You may have heard of the story of Brian Maupin who got fired from BestBuy becuase of his iPhone4 vs HTC Evo YouTube Video he posted, even though the video makes no mention of BestBuy.

Well now he’s back with another video called TweetFired which is the story of Peter, a man who gets in trouble with his boss at his job because of the tweets he posts, even though they have nothing to do with the company and he was off the clock.

“I can’t believe you would write this bullshit about the company that writes your checks”
“Peter, can you imagine what our stockholders are thinking when they read these?”
“You are slandering Stacks o’ Slacks. You are painting a very negative picture of working here in 140 characters or less”

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