Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Bitdefender releases tool to eradicate Flamer espionage weapon

Bitdefender, one of the world leading global antivirus companies, has released a tool to find and remove the most complex, dangerous spy tool discovered to date, the Flamer attack toolkit.

Flamer, also known as Skywiper, can steal data; copy passwords; record voice conversations; create screen captures; and even probe Bluetooth devices near the infected computer. The toolkit, which is thought to have spawned past espionage tools such as Stuxnet and Duqu, can spread through local networks or via removable drives such as USB sticks.

“Flamer is the scariest cyber espionage tool we’ve yet seen. It goes places where other spyware doesn’t go, retrieves information others don’t retrieve, and ensures the infected computer has no privacy whatsoever,” said Catalin Cosoi, Bitdefender’s Chief Security Researcher. “Luckily, the Bitdefender removal tool makes it easy to eliminate from your computer.”

Flamer is not a single spy tool, but rather an entire toolbox at the command of attackers. In file size, it is the biggest attack tool yet. Its sheer size means researchers will likely still be analysing Flamer for weeks to discover all of its functions.

For further information on Flamer, or to determine whether your computer is infected, download the Bitdefender removal tool at: http://labs.bitdefender.com/2012/05/cyber-espionage-reaches-new-levels-with-flamer/

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