How far can your mind go?
I was just reading this article on and just had to post about it here, it’s very intersting and I think I have to agree with everything that it says!
How far can your mind go?
By Frank B. Glover , Posted on 01.01.06
Within the realm of reality everyone has a reason to believe in anything. What you yourself find that you lack belief in could be related to your lack of knowledge in the subject. For many of us we write off the possibilities of truth because we were raised to only believe in what our parents brought us up to believe in.
The growing knowledge base that is sweeping the world called the Internet has opened up this lack of education for many of us. But once again you have to be a little smarter than the average bear to know what is fact or fiction just like on the streets. You have the daily newspaper that prints 99% fact and you also have the tabloids that print anything anyone says.For instance Bigfoot I never gave much of even a second thought to that idea. It seemed mainly to me just fiction. However thumbing channels the other night I came upon a bigfoot special. The one man talking when I found the special was talking about molds made from footprints. It turned out he was a specialist in the field of examining molds. He said he had his doubts a few years back because 99 out of 100 molds he examined were fake. But he went on to tell how one was very real that it had prints in the mold of like fingerprints. And that after finding that one mold he had to start wondering but then a few years later another one of a different size but of the same creature was found on the other side of the country. And it also had these fingerprints and now he was a firm believe in the fact of a large primate undiscovered creature roaming the United States forest.
After watching that and thinking about things for a moment you have to kinda sit back and just go “Wow!” I mean here I am about 40 and Bigfoot might be for real? Well that’s what it sounds like to me. But hey my father was real baffled over the Titanic being lost at sea and he died in 1986 and it was found a few years later.
My father was also very interested in the pyramids and he said many times that things would be found in years to come that would blow the top off what we humans have always believed in. And things have been found not only in the pyramids but all over the world that people are attempting to figure out.
I have wondered for years why governments from all over the world are sending out probes to space looking for life when we still have not found all the life on this planet. But then you have to ask yourself what has the government found that we don’t know about on this planet that could be pointing them in that direction.
History does have a way of repeating itself. And that will be spoken about more than once by many people in your life. Objects have been found on earth that predate man and these objects I would call modern technology. Technology that should not have been on earth at that time. Some things as simple as a gold chain in coal taken from deep in the earth. Coal takes millions of years to form. Tools like a steel ax or an iron pot also found in coal. We were not here then so explain that ???. Don’t feel bad no one else can but if the objects were found what about the remains of who used those items?. Can bone from that long ago be broken down by the earth? Yes it can but what about the dinosaurs?. We have bones from them correct? Well these items of modern technology are carbon dated long before the dinosaurs. So what does that mean?. That means the earth made coal out of anything of low carbon. Flesh & Bone would not have survived the transition. But solid metal objects did not get broke down. And that also means history is repeating itself and we are not the first advanced civilization to ever be here. We might be 2nd or 3rd or maybe 4th or even 5th who knows for sure.
But one thing is for sure we are not the first. Earth holds thousands of unsolved mysteries. And we can not just blow them off they are very real. This world is a strange place that’s for sure and it’s our only home. But we become bound by history to not only restore it but to protect it and with that we will be unable to find the answers we need as quickly. And this I believe in, Why destroy a structure that has stood for thousands of years just to dig below it for clues? We could destroy other clues that we may not have the technology today to find. And then years from now our children would be saying why were they so stupid.
We have so much of this planet to explore and sift threw. For instance crop circles fact or fiction? That is a hard one after you dig around in case files for two years. About 75% seem man made while the other 25% no one could have made in one night not even 100 people could have made it in one night. And then we have a UFO sighting fact or fiction? Well read the files of reports made by our own government. A few of them had as many as 25 witnesses now how do you write that off as a made up story? A few even had police officers as witnesses to it.
6 thoughts on “How far can your mind go?”
Laurent January 3, 2006 at 12:06 pm
True… I’ve already been thinking about that. I do believe in UFO’s, I mean, aliens. To be honest I have already seen one but I’m not sure so I don’t think I believe what I’ve seen. I’m member @ by the way, very interesting forum 😀
Annndd about bigfoot, LOL, you’re not gonna believe me, but I’ve been searching bigfoot in GTA San Andreas, as rumours said that they some people have seen Bigfoot in the game, but I still didn’t find one, lol. Though, I’ve seen ghosts cars, but ok, they are easy to find =)
Darren Straight January 3, 2006 at 1:31 pm
Hey thanks for the comment Laurent I remember now, you showed me that pic of it, do you still have it, maybe you should post a link to it on here! 😀
For now I’ll sign up on them forums! 🙂
Laurent January 4, 2006 at 11:59 am
I don’t really remember what one exactly? Are you talking about a pic I’ve made with a UFO on it (during some holidays in England)?
Darren Straight January 4, 2006 at 4:33 pm
Yep that’s the one it was kind of funny! 😉
Laurent January 5, 2006 at 1:41 pm
Ok, I’ve uploaded it and here it is:
Frank B. Glover July 9, 2008 at 7:23 am
Man is was great to find words on your site here. I wrote that a few years back. I just wanted to say thank you for putting my words up for others to find.
Frank B. Glover