Windows Live Dinner at Gabrielle’s in London
Ok well I’m now safely back home after attending an informal Windows Live Dinner at Gabrielle’s last night in London, this event was organised and paid for by, an online marketing and communication agency for MSN Europe.
I wanted to mention that paid for this because I think it was really great of them to do this, especially considering that this was not a Microsoft initiative but an event organised by heaven to get people in the same area of study talking together and to get their feedback and well I must say a dinner was a great way of doing it!
In case you didn’t know Gabrielle’s is a French restaurant on Heddon Street just of from Regent Street, for starters I had Chicken Caesar Salad and for the main dish Grilled Steak followed by Lemon Sorbet for desert!
I’m pretty sure everybody had a nice time at the dinner and I must say it was great talking to some of the people who had come, including the two MSN Employees!
So yeah overall this Windows Live Dinner Event in London gelts the thumbs ups from me and well I cant wait for the next Windows Live Session In May.
Once again thanks goes to Romain and Nicolas from heaven for organising this event!
By the way I’ve sent the photos we took at the Windows Live Dinner to Romain so they should be on flickr soon, after he’s taken out the ones he doesn’t like! 😉