First BritBlog BlogMeet
Ok so today I had the pleasure of attending the first BritBlog BlogMeet in The Marquess of Anglesey pub in covent garden in London.
I arrived there at just after 4pm and couldn’t see anybody who looked like they were waiting for anybody else from BritBlog so I decided to order myself a pint of fosters and sit down on a bar stall by two guys who had a video camera on them and were shooting their surroundings!
One of the guys then turned around to me and introduced himself as an organizer of a London Party Event to be held at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park on the 10th of September 2006 at midday.
He then asked me if I didn’t mind being filmed, I said ok, so he then told me more about this London party event and what it was all about, here’s what it said on his card he gave me:
Sunday September 10th 2006 Hyde Park, London
After the bombings in July 2005, the whole of London was out on the streets talking to each other. Why does this only happen on a day of tragedy? You can help bring people together on a day of celebration. Please invite everyone you know and ask them to do the same. And then, maybe use this card to invite a stranger. They’re only a stranger because you haven’t said hello to them. With this card, anything is possible.Come to my London Party
– Please arrive by midday at Speakers Corner.
– BYO (Bring your own) Picnic, Drink and voice.
We then talked about what I was in London for and what I blogged about, he found it very interesting that I was here for a blog meet up with people I’ve never meet before, he then said to me that maybe the organiser of the BritBlog MeetUp could come on camera!
It was now 4:30 and I was wondering what to do, I saw a group of people on a table that looked like they might be part of something but I was wondering if it was them or not, then just as the two camera guys left and said thank you the one who filmed me said I think that’s your meet up over there, and sure enough it was!
So I walked myself over there and introduced myself, and shock hands with Mark, George, Tom, and John.
Mark was then nice enough to offer me a drink, at first I said I was ok as I had just had a drink but then he said what about a coke, and well I said ok and I’m glad I did because a drink always helps with socialising.
We then moved to another table which was near a fireplace and had some nice soft sofa style seats, and then for next half an hour or so we talked about various things, mainly knitting, don’t even ask!
And then arrived another attendee, this being Goldwin, so with him and with our drinks bought by Mark and John we continued chatting for ages about all sorts of things and what could be done to improve BritBlog.
And then slowly one by one we left, I was the last one to leave with Mark and I must say it was great meeting up with Mark, John, Tom, George and Golwin, and I would also say that 6 of us isn’t as bad as a turnout as you would think especially for a first meet up!
So yeah greet day out, see you all at the next, let’s see if we can get some more people to come next time and hey those of you who didn’t come better have a good excuse!
Related posts, updated as more become available: Mark
8 thoughts on “First BritBlog BlogMeet”
Mark May 22, 2006 at 10:58 am
Hi Darren, glad you had a good time 🙂
Darren Straight May 22, 2006 at 5:43 pm
Hey Mark, yeah it was great! 🙂
Laurent Van Winckel May 22, 2006 at 7:04 pm
How great! And I found a photo of it on the other guy’s blog 🙂 lol *collecting*
Darren Straight May 22, 2006 at 7:11 pm
Haha very funny Laurent! 🙂
First Ever Windows Live Butterfly Meet Up in London » Darren Straight’s Blog August 5, 2006 at 1:26 pm
[…] Now it was time to head to a pub, I choose The Marquess of Anglesey pub in Covent garden because I had already been there once before when I attended the first BritBlog BlogMeet and it seemed like a nice place then so I thought it would be a good place to meet nikhil another Windows Live Butterfly later on as I knew it had a fair amount of tables inside. […]
Tom Reynolds a BritBlog Member appears on BBC News Website » Darren Straight’s Blog August 24, 2006 at 6:19 pm
[…] I was just this minute on the BBC News website when I read the following headline title “Emergency calls – Drunks, blood and hoaxes. The view from inside the ambulance“ which reminded me of a so called Tom Reynolds a blogger I meet at the First BritBlog BlogMeetup in London so I clicked the article link to see what it was all about and wow was I shocked or what when I read the first four paragraphs and it said Tom Reynolds’s: Violent drunks, time-wasters and drivers that won’t clear the way… the tough reality of life for an ambulance crew is recorded each day in a blog which has been turned into a book. […]
Second Blogger/Web2.0 Mixer Redux! » Darren Straight’s Blog September 13, 2006 at 1:08 am
[…] I even knew of one other person there who I had meet before, that being Godwin who I meet at the first Brit Blog Meet Up. […]
Are you coming to the Christmas BritBlog Blogmeet 2006? » Darren Straight’s Blog November 18, 2006 at 11:07 pm
[…] By popular demand there will be a Christmas BritBlog blogmeet in London! It will be held on Saturday the 9th of December 2006 from about 2:30 PM, probably in a pub near Covent Garden. Possibly the same pub as the last London blogmeet I went to. […]