Naked Conversations by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel
Just the other day I finished reading “Naked Conversations: How Blogs are Changing the way Businesses Talk with Customers” by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel.
And I would like to compliment them both for writing such a great book.
I haven’t been properly blogging for very long now and this blog will only be a year old on the 11th of June 2006 (my birthday) so I still have a lot to learn about blogging.
But by reading Naked Conversations I now know more than I ever knew about blogging and how its inner centre works, I have now came to realise that there’s so much more to blogging than what some people think!
So even if you don’t blog for a business like me, then I would still like to highly recommend Naked Conversations to you, because it’s pack full of useful information!
And to prove it, here’s an extract of Naked Conversations, this first part of this actual extract in question has actually got me thinking about maybe wrtitng the book on the history of the blogosphere, as I did a quick search and there dosent seem to be one yet!
And to prove it, here’s an extract of Naked Conversations, the first part of this actual extract We hope someone writes book on the history of the blogosphere. Interesting people and amazing coincidences dominate this story. has actually got me thinking about maybe writing that so called book on the history of the blogosphere, as I’ve done a quick search and there doesn’t seem to be one yet, I say yet because knowing my luck somebody’s probably going to start working on one to beat me too it, anyway here’s the extract, enjoy:
Bloggin’s Six Pillars
We hope someone writes book on the history of the blogosphere. Interesting people and amazing coincidences dominate this story. This is not the focus of Naked Conversations, which instead attempts to tell businesspeople why they should blog.
There are six key differences between blogging and any other communications channel. You can find any of them elsewhere. These are the Six Pillars of Blogging:
1.Publishable.Anyone can publish a blog.You can do it cheaply and post often. Each posting is instantly available worldwide.
2.Findable. Through search engines, people will find blogs by subject, by author, or both. The more you post, the more findable you become.
3.Social. The blogosphere is one big conversation. Interesting topical conversations move from site to site, linking to each other. Through blogs, people with shared interests build relationships unrestricted by geographic borders.
4.Viral. Information often spreads faster through blogs than via a newsservice. No form of viral marketing matches the speed and efficiency of a blog.
5.Syndicatable. By clicking on an icon, you can get free “home delivery” of RSS- enabled blogs into your e-mail software. RSS lets you know when a blog you subscribe to is updated, saving you search time. This process is considerably more efficient than the last- generation method of visiting one page of one web site at a time looking for changes.
6.Linkable. Because each blog can link to all others, every blogger has access to the tens of millions of people who visit the blogosphere every day.
You can find each of these elements elsewhere. None is, in itself, all that remarkable. But in final assembly, they are the benefits of the most powerful two-way Internet communications tool so far developed.
“from Naked Conversations: How Blogs Are Changing the Way Businesses Talk with Customers, by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel, published by John Wiley & Sons Inc. Copyright 2006 Robert Scoble and Shel Israel, used by permission of the publisher.”
1 thought on “Naked Conversations by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel”
Echiro April 1, 2008 at 5:36 am
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It’s very good though, even I’m far a way from IT, I found it very interesting.