Second Blogger/Web2.0 Mixer Redux!
I went up to London yesterday to meet up with my friend Eric Cheung to attend the Second Blogger/Web2.0 Mixer Redux which I had been invited to by the organiser Roger Kondrat, and wow what can I say other than it was a pleasure to have been invited by Roger as it was a great event, very nicely oraganised, nice bar, nice location and a great selction of people which let to some interesting dicussions, not to mention a discussion about a Bar called Bananen Bar in Amsterdam, let’s just say it’s best if I dont include a link to it!
I even knew of one other person there who I had meet before, that being Godwin who I meet at the first Brit Blog Meet Up.
Anyway so being such a great event it was I couldnt help but take some pictures of everyone there, and though I had to be a bit sneaky in taking some pictures of the ladies there as they kept hiding I eventually got their pic! 🙂
And now they are uploaded to Flickr along with the other 50 or so Photos I took that day, so go ahead and check out my Flickr Set created for this Second Blogger/Web2.0 Mixer Redux.
Here are a select few from the Flickr set:
1 thought on “Second Blogger/Web2.0 Mixer Redux!” coming soon! » Darren Straight’s Blog October 4, 2006 at 5:09 pm
[…] Thanks goes to Ewan (meet him at a Blogger/Web2.0 Event) for this! […]