Pixelotto Public Launch Tuesday the 5th of December 2006
Remember Alex Tew and his pixel website The Million Dollar Homepage?
Well I certainly do as I was one of the first to buy a spot on The Million Dollar Homepage in early september, and haden’t heard anything from him since, well that is until I got his email today.
Seems like he’s now back in action with a new pixel website called Pixelotto which is a 100% free-to-play lottery with a $1,000,000 jackpot.
Basically visitors simply have to click on pixel ads to be in with a chance of winning. With up to 10 clicks allowed each day, the more days a person plays and clicks on ads, the more entries they will accumulate prior to the draw. There’s absolutely no entry fee.
The jackpot itself is funded from pixel ad revenue. On the Pixelotto Board, which will be displayed on the homepage and is where players will be clicking, there are 1,000,000 pixels of ad space available at a rate of $2 per pixel. But unfortunetly the minimum purchase is a 10×10 square for $200.
The $1m jackpot therefore equals 50% of total advertising revenue, and an additional $100,000 will go to a charity chosen by the jackpot winner. The remaining revenue goes towards running and promoting Pixelotto.
The draw will then take place one month after all the pixel ad space is sold out. One ad is chosen at random and the winner is then selected from all those who clicked on the correct ad in a seperate random draw. A millionaire is made!
But will this be a new Winner Pixel Site for Alex Tew, or will it be a shadow of The Million Dollar Homepage. Well Pixelotto goes public on Tuesday 5th December 2006 so stay tuned for updates on how it goes!
14 thoughts on “Pixelotto Public Launch Tuesday the 5th of December 2006”
Chris December 1, 2006 at 10:48 pm
This isn’t fair to advertisers of the first million dollar homepage. new stuff every other day, old gets dumped. internet marketing 101
Nick December 2, 2006 at 7:46 am
This is not unfair to the original advertisers of the milliondollarhomepage. They paid for their space on the site, got their traffic AND they got to have a piece of internet history. Infact, alot of the advertisers from the MDHP will no doubt purchase space on the new website. What a great way to make someone rich just for clicking ads. The advertisers get traffic and the clickers go in a draw to win a million. fantastic!
Rob December 2, 2006 at 8:19 pm
Hey, I don’t belive this I beat him to it! I’ve already set up two sites, both working around this concept!
The first one is http://www.cashcells.co.uk : This site offers the user clicking on the adverts the chance to win $$$, the total size of the prize is directly related to the number of adverts.
The second site is http://www.microlotto.co.uk : This site gives the advertiser who buys a square the chance to win in a sort of ‘cell lottery’ set up. Check em out!
Pixelotto December 3, 2006 at 2:04 am
Get pixels for only a penny each at:
misw December 4, 2006 at 8:34 pm
To be honest I expected more from Alex. This pixelotto is just a shadow of mdhp. It repeats the same trick and is more complex at the same time.
Brilliant ideas are always simple.
That’s why if you are tired of this pixel things just like I’m I invite you on purewasteoftime.com just to do the opposite, waste 1.000.000 $.
links for 2006-12-05 at Webmercial.dk December 6, 2006 at 7:06 am
[…] Pixelotto Public Launch Tuesday the 5th of December 2006 “The million dollar homepage”-manden er tilbage med et koncept der er dobbelt saa smart (tags: business) […]
Ian December 6, 2006 at 12:03 pm
Look at this site.. http://www.milliondollaremployment.co.uk/
Its a better use for pixel ads.
Beloy December 9, 2006 at 12:54 pm
See Pixelotto News in unique format:
Alex Filatov December 10, 2006 at 11:56 am
See daily statistics of pixels sold.
by 4th day of week there were 88,900 pixels sold! This is two days from pixelotto launched!
Thursday, the 7th of December – 16,300 pixels sold
8th of December – 5,800 pixels
Yesterday – only 300 pixels – weekend time, they have to rest 🙂
Aaron Rodrigues December 12, 2006 at 8:47 pm
Yup interesting. So creative…NOT…Any ways please check out my Christmas Tag website at http://www.christmastag.co.nr
Pixelotto Script December 13, 2006 at 8:16 pm
Guys…no matter what you say, pixelotto is still gonna be sold out in a next month or so. Reason being there are many advertisers who just want traffic. They don’t care if people buy or not. Yes, that is also a tactic that pays in the long run.
BTW Pixelotto script domain http://www.pixelottoscript.com is for sale at Ebay. Item # is 290061998642
Free Pixel Board December 14, 2006 at 4:47 am
No registration required. Win free Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3 and tons of other stuff at http://www.freepixelboard.com
Lucky March 9, 2007 at 9:59 am
Do you want to win cash! 5 lucky winners will walk away with $1000 dollars each! pixel advertising thats affordable for all of us! 1 block = $1.00 which is 100 pixels for one cent each! Come on and win some cash! you know you want too!! Go to http://www.dreamforit.com!!!!
Carrie March 15, 2008 at 4:32 pm
I know this seems like an deja vu but I havea site I just opened like Pixelotto.