Apple Safari 3 beta available for Windows?
Today at the World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) Keynote in San Francisco, Apples CEO Steve Jobs, announced that the Mac OS Web browser, Safari (beta 3), is now available for Microsoft Windows PC’s.
Launching in open beta today, the latest version of Safari includes a number of new features, including a new functionality for automatically creating widgets from web page elements. It’s understood that this feature will also work with Windows. Another new feature is advanced tab dragging, which even allows for tabs to be dragged off into their own new windows, which I have to admit is pretty neat, and should be available in Internet Explorer (IE7), as I’ve wanted to do this before with Tabs! 🙂
According to Apple, Safari (beta 3), is the fastest browser running on Windows, based on the industry standard iBench tests, rendering web pages up to twice as fast as IE 7 and up to 1.6 times faster than Firefox 2. Though I’ll let you make your own mind up on that! 😉
Safari 3 public beta is available today as a free download at