Do The Green Thing!
The Green Thing is a new, not for profit community site that’s just launched. The idea is to unite people against climate change by making it easy and enjoyable to be a bit greener, with the help of London’s creative industries. Every month you get a different Green Thing to do October’s is ‘walk once’ and all you have to do is do it.
The aim of Green Thing is to create people-powered sustainability to help as many people as possible in as many countries as possible to do the green thing; then to use this people power to get governments and business to take fast actions to reduce carbon emissions and do the green thing too thereby helping prevent climate change.
Because entertainment is very inspiring and lectures a bit less so, these monthly Green Things are suggested with great content from a growing community of brilliant writers, musicians, designers, directors and artists; as well as some of London’s best agencies.
So if you feel like doing The Right Green Thing for the enviroment why not check it out at: and