Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Bank Intern Busted By Facebook Profile

Kevin Colvin, an intern at Anglo Irish Bank’s North American arm, was busted when he told his manager, Paul Davis, that he’d be missing work due to what colleagues took to be a “family emergency”. However yet did he know that when he posted his drunken photos that his boss would find out what he was really up to! 🙂

There is a new intern on my team who has called in ‘sick’ on a couple of occasions. If you scroll down to the bottom you can see the email from him yesterday to my boss Paul saying that he wouldn’t be able to come into work today because of a ‘family emergency’. A co-worker of mine pulled up his face book page (similar to my-space) and found pictures of him at a party last night- so he basically said he had to go to NY for a family emergency because he wanted to party in Worcester for Halloween. Below is Paul’s response to him…he BCC’d the whole office

Paul/Jill –

I just wanted to let you know that I will not be able to come into work tomorrow. Something came up at home and I had to go to New York this morning for the next couple of days. I apologize for the delayed notice.

Kind regards,

Thanks for letting us know–hope everything is ok in New York.  (cool wand)


Via: A Welsh View | Valleywag

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