Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Top 10 Search Keyphrases for November 2008

2756 different keyphrases were used to find my site in November 2008, here are the top 10 with the amount of times they were used plus their overall usage percentage. 2756 different keyphrases Search Percent vtunnel 1096 17.2 % vtunnel website 348 5.4 % sites like vtunnel 108 1.7 % v tunnel 100 1.5 % windows 82 1.2 % vtunnel myspace 72

By - Darren Straight

Top 10 Search Keyphrases for October 2008

2772 different keyphrases were used to find my site in October 2008, here are the top 10 with the amount of times they were used plus their overall usage percentage. 2772 different keyphrases Search Percent vtunnel 716 11.2 % vtunnel website 439 6.9 % vtunnel myspace 119 1.8 % sites like vtunnel 89 1.4 % v tunnel 85 1.3 % o2 xda

By - Darren Straight

Top 10 Search Keyphrases for September 2008

3135 different keyphrases were used to find my site in September 2008, here are the top 10 with the amount of times they were used plus their overall usage percentage. 3135 different keyphrases Search Percent vtunnel 550 8.6 % vtunnel website 223 3.5 % windows 112 1.7 % vutnnel 102 1.6 % protect your anonymity online 100 1.5 % vtunnel