Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Cherry Monroe

Last night I was talking on msn to a friend from the US and she was asking me what kind of music did I like and what music bands at the same time she too was also telling me what music she likes and what bands, she also told me about how she went to this rock concert where the band “Cherry Monroe” was playing, you may not have heard of them yet. I too had not heard of them until she told me about them and how good they were, obviously having never listened to them myself I didn’t know what they were really like so I thought to myself that I better had listen to them to hear it for my self and see if they really were that good. After some searching I came across a download preview for the song and listened to it and well what did I think, all I can say is that I think she was right when she said they are really good, hopefully they will become more wide spread outside the US over time, Here’s some links:

Cherry Monroe – Official Site
Cherry Monroe – Aol
Cherry Monroe – Lyrics

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