Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Discovery’s return put on hold for 24 hours

Space shuttle Discovery’s return to Earth has been put on hold for at least 24 hours due to bad weather at its landing site. The seven crew members aboard Discovery had been preparing for their re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere. Low-lying cloud which could obscure the landing strip forced flight controllers to scrub Monday’s two landing windows at Nasa’s Kennedy Space

By - Darren Straight

Steve Robinson: First Podcaster From Space

One day before landing, STS-114 Mission Specialist Steve Robinson transmitted the first podcast from space. Podcast Transcript: Hello, this is Mission Specialist Number 2 Steve Robinson from the Space Shuttle Discovery. We’re high in orbit on our last day of orbit. Tomorrow we come home. I’m currently talking to you just off the southeast tip of Indonesia in the daylight