Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

10 rules for being a bad moderator

Here’s a set of 10 rules for being a bad moderator, go against them and you shall be a great moderator.

  1. Don’t visit the forums you are moderating often. Twice a month is enough. Nobody cares.
  2. Don’t start new threads at your forum. That’s the users’ responsibility. You are only there for editing and deleting threads.
  3. Argue with users as much as you can. You don’t have anything to loose since you are the moderator. Never bring personal matters to private messages. And remember that your opinion is the only one that counts.
  4. Don’t respect the other members, make fun of them. If they make spelling errors then criticize them, if they have a poor or unargumented opinion destroy them with words. If they ask for help about using the forum don’t help them.
  5. If nobody answers a thread don’t answer yourself, the user didn’t wanted an answer anyway.
  6. If a user makes a dupe thread in the forum don’t be nice, it’s the users’ fault not to know the 40+ pages that the forum has in search of a similar thread. And never ever give him a link to the content he is searching for.
  7. Don’t edit the bad words in posts. Fights are fun!
  8. If a user is misbehaving ban him immediately, don’t try sending him a private message or a warning, it’s useless.
  9. Close all the threads you want. Users love to see closed threads.
  10. A way to be cool is to talk about the private forum threads in the public forum. Administrators love the fact that you tell all the users about the content of the private threads.

Thanks to Kentaurus from the Admin Zone for sharing this with us.

Link to the 10 rules for being a bad moderator thread

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