Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Multiply – You Have Been Invited!

I have just been invited by a friend to test a new social networking site out called Multiply, just looking at it now, its not that bad but I’ll have too look around more to get the full feeling of what it has.

What it is
Multiply is a web site that makes it easy to share photos, blogs, videos, music, and other kinds of digital content with your friends and family.

How it works
Just add your contacts and they’ll add their contacts, and so on. Multiply keeps track of who knows whom in your social network, and this allows us to automatically notify these people when you add new stuff to your home page.

Why it’s better
Each time you add something, we create a thread on your own personal message board and give access to the people you choose. With Multiply you get a built-in audience of people ready to give you feedback and turn your content into lively discussions. You’ve never been able to simultaneously communicate with everyone in your life in this way — and Multiply makes it easy!

What you get

    • Your own web site – to post a blog, photos, video, music, reviews of movies and restaurants, classified listings and more.
    • Unlimited storage space for your digital content
    • A personal URL on its own domain – http://YOURNAME.multiply.com
    • 10 free digital prints! (for a limited time)
    • All free with sign-up!

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