Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Blog comment spam attacks!

Yep that’s right Blog comment spam attacks, I cam in from work yesterday and found that I had 50 new Blog comments to moderate, this is a huge amount of comments to moderate considering I normally only get a couple a day, anyway I marked them all as spam as I noticed that all the comments were linking to various casino and sex sites that I didn’t want in my comments, the ip’s were all different and so were the names and emails so I’m guessing that they were using a spam bot, here’s an example of one of the comments:

Author : Charles Baumann

Your site is exactly the kind of sites which make the net surfing so fun. It’s impossible to experience one’s death: http://www.aphids.com/cgi-bin/quotes.pl?act=ShowListingsForSub , we elected them , By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail

Anyway I thought that would be the end of it but it wasn’t I arrived home today to find that I had 20 more to mark as spam so I thought to my self ok something has to been done and that’s what I have done, I done a quick search on the internet and found some pages about how to deal with blog comment spam and what plugins were best, I have chosen Akismet a WordPress Plugin that apparently is one of the best had handle spam like this so I guess I will have to wait and see what happens in the next following days.

Here are some of the sites I found:

Akismet Website
Plugins/Spam Tools
Combating Comment Spam

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