Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Saving up for a holiday to the USA!

Ok well today I was watching television and a program called Only in America came on and well what can I say I liked it so much that I’ve now put myself forward a challenge too get enough money to travel to the United States of America for a week or so on a holiday of a life time, and though

By - Darren Straight

Steve Mallette vs. Digg controversy

Here’s some great news, Steve Mallette is out in the clear! Earlier today, O’Reilly found itself at the center of a controversy on the popular news site, digg.com. Steve Mallett, O’Reilly Network editor and blogger, was very publicly accused, via a Digg story, of stealing Digg’s CSS pages. The story was voted up rapidly and made the homepage, acquiring thousands of diggs