Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

The Retard Nation

About 10 minutes ago or so I was talking to Kevin (aka: KillKev) somebody I met ages ago on Google Community, and well I thought I would ask how his sites are going and well he told be that his first site killkev.net is going cool but not as well as his other site which is called The Retard Nation, I havent been to this site

By - Darren Straight

How real-time is the blogosphere?

I just came across this blog post after seeing Robert Scoble post a link to it. At 4:02PM (Eastern), Google poststheir Q4 earning results on the Business Wire. The big, big news (definitely the biggest news out of the valley for today) is that their numbers fell short of consensus estimates. At 5:11PM Reuters poststheir summary of this news item

By - Darren Straight

Pure Pwnage – 1,500,000 noobs pwned – ‘Taking noobs to school since 2004’

This is one of them sites that you just have to love! Pure Pwnage (pronounced “Pure Ownage”) is a webisode series by “ROFLMAO Productions”. The show portrays the aspects of a “gamer’s life”, featuring a Canadian self-proclaimed pro video game player named Jeremy. Jeremy reveals what it is like to be a pro gamer through a combination of interviews and

By - Darren Straight

Google’s communications breakdown

I have just been reading this article on the BBC website, it’s about Google and it’s Headquarters not looking anything like you would think it would look like! The headquarters of the most popular search engine in the world is a remarkably unimpressive place. Google’s base is more industrial than architectural Mountain View, California, sounds like a glamorous address. But

By - Darren Straight

Making some changes to this blog

Just thought that I’d let you all know that over the next couple or weeks or so I’ll be changing a couple of things on my Sites and Blog’s, these changes will hopefully make it easier for you the visitor to find the information you need quicker, I will also be making it easier for you all to contact me.