Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Hosting blog post images on my site once again!

Tomorrow and for the next few week’s or so I’ll be updating a whole lot of my Blog Posts with better quality Images, when I first started of this Blog I started to host all my images on my own site but then I started using ImageShack as I was worried about Bandwidth and Space. But now I’m seeing that

By - Darren Straight

Microsoft unveils Vista editions

I was reading about this earlier today and though most of us already knew about what Windows Vista Editions we would see, it’s clear that not everybody knows yet. That’s why Bill Gates officialy talked about them at the Consumer Electronics Show. Microsoft unveils Vista editions    Bill Gates talked about Vista at the Consumer Electronics Show Microsoft is planning six versions of

By - Darren Straight

Stay Alive a Movie about a Videogame

Just came across this new movie on Apple.com, looks very intersting but also quite scary! After the mysterious brutal death of an old friend, a group of teenagers find themselves in possession of Stay Alive, a next generation horror survival videogame based on the spine-chilling true story of a 17th century noblewoman known as The Blood Countess. In Theatres: March

By - Darren Straight

Webmaster Radio

I have just finished listening a show about Search Engine Marketing and Optimization on Webmaster Radio (webmasterradio.fm) which was titled Strike Point: Strike Point  Host(s): Mikkel deMib Svendsen & Dave Naylor Time: Monday @ 3pm EDT / GMT-4    The first European Show of its kind, addressing issues faced by European Webmasters regarding Search Engine Marketing and Optimization. Expect to

By - Darren Straight

Google is to launch purchases.google.com

Looks like Google is launching Google Purchases (purchases.google.com) The new ‘Google Purchases’ service (purchases.google.com) will be launched in a few days, and is to allow users to make micropayments within ‘Google Base‘ (buy and sell all kinds of items), to acquire licences of ‘Google Earth‘, non-free videos from ‘Google Video‘, and to pay products of the Google Store. Users only