Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

How to Manage the IT Helpdesk by Noel Bruton

As part of my College Course Degree in IT, I’ve bought a copy of the book: How to Manage the IT Helpdesk – A Guide for User Support and Call Centre Managers (Computer Weekly Professional) by Noel Bruton. I’ve started to read a bit of it and it seems to be quite informative, as it seems to address most of

By - Darren Straight

Are you Living in a Computer Simulation?

The Simulation Argument with the phrase “Are you Living in a Computer Simulation?” is one area of study which has nearly always interested me, because I believe there is always a significant probability that we as are living in a computer simulation. If the simulation hypothesis is true, you exist in a virtual reality simulated in a computer built by an advanced civilization.

By - Darren Straight

Macworld Boston 1997 – The Microsoft Deal with Apple

This was when Apple Computer was nearly bankrupt, and was about to crumble into ruins. Then Apple announced a partnership with Microsoft. You can hear the loud booing sounds coming from crowd throughout the keynote. Bill Gates is in the keynote via satellite. This was probably the toughest pill for Steve Jobs to swallow in his life. Via: Digg |

By - Darren Straight

My Half-Life 2 Club Website

It’s been more than two years now since I stoped updating my Half-Life 2 Club website (http://www.iespana.es/halflifeclub), and I still seem to get feeback every so often from people about it, look here’s two of the most recent ones! From: Gin comments: your information is bogus what the fuck is a arsehead and why do ppl get thrown around like