Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Amazon drops Google on A9 and Alexa in the US

A9 (Amazon’s search engine) and Alexa (online traffic monitoring service) have now replaced Google as their default search engine with Windows Live Search. There’s no official information about this change and it’s only seems to be viewable for people from the US but this is the first major success for the new Windows Live Search, the replacement for MSN Search

By - Darren Straight

Windows Live Shopping Beta Launched

Microsoft has now launched the Windows Live Shopping Service. Today we launch the brand new Windows Live Shopping site! What is it? It is the beta launch of Microsoft’s Web 2.0 shopping experience, featuring one of the world’s largest product catalogs, user-created content and an easier-to-use interface built on 100% AJAX technology. It uses a unified shopping engine to search