Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Windows Vista Beta 2 Coming soon to TechNet Virtual Labs

Windows Vista Beta 2 is coming soon to Microsoft’s TechNet Virtual Labs. VIRTUAL LABS Test out product features in a fully configured environment. Experiment with the newest features of Windows Vista in a sandbox environment—without installing software or dedicating additional computers to the project. (Coming soon) TechNet Virtual Labs is basically as Microsoft Hosted Lab in which you can try

By - Darren Straight

Virtual Tech-Ed 2006

Are you not able to attend Tech•Ed this year? If so then you’re in luck because Virtual Tech•Ed puts you to as close as Tech•Ed as your nearest Internet connection. On Virtual Tech•Ed you can listen to TechNet Radio, watch  video blogs, sign up for MSN Alerts, subscribe to RSS feeds, and watch the Session of the Day Webcast along with commenting on

By - Darren Straight

Windows Live Dev launched at dev.live.com

The Windows Live Developer community site has now launched at dev.live.com, a few days before the start of Tech-Ed 2006. Windows Live Dev is your one-stop shop for the Windows Live Platform, including information on getting started with Windows Live services, latest documentation and APIs, samples, access to community areas and relevant blogs, and announcements of future releases and innovations.