Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Robert Scoble on Newsnight talking about Bill Gates

I missed BBC’s Newsnight last night, in which Robert Scoble appeared talking about Bill Gates, but I have now just watched it on the BBC Newsnight Website, and it’s pretty interesting. Thanks goes to a comment left by Duncan on Robert’s Blog for posting the link. http://tinyurl.com/s9bhw (Real Player) http://tinyurl.com/mcq32 (Windows Media Player)

By - Darren Straight

Windows Live Session Tokyo #1!

Unfortunately I don’t know Japanese, but I did just find the pics for the recent Windows Live Session held in Tokyo, after the success of the European ones, and yes there will be a Windows Live Session in the US soon, around late summer/fall. But for now here’s the link to the tokyo pics, check out the space invader gadget!