Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

United States cedes control of the internet – but what now?

In a meeting that will go down in internet history, the United States government last night conceded that it can no longer expect to maintain its position as the ultimate authority over the internet. Having been the internet’s instigator and, since 1998, its voluntary taskmaster, the US government finally agreed to transition its control over not-for-profit internet overseeing organisation ICANN,

By - Darren Straight

New Windows Live Suite is Almost Live says Microsoft

Microsoft issued yet another Windows heads up on Wednesday in a briefing with PC Magazine. This one is for a suite of Windows Live products slated to be available sometime in August. The suite includes Windows Live Toolbar, which actually became available this week, Windows Live Safety Updates, and Windows Live Spaces, Microsoft’s version of MySpace. One of the most

By - Darren Straight

Join Team BritBot and enter the Robot Invaders Competition 2006

Microsoft is challenging developers worldwide to create conversational robots, or ‘Bots’, for MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger. The most original, useful robots collect $40,000 in total prizes. And now you can win loads more cool prizes when you enter the UK competition that runs alongside the global competition. Bots are software programs that you can add to MSN Messenger

By - Darren Straight

Facet Mobile360 Van used for Windows Live Local Beta

The Facet Technology Mobile360 Van used for taking photos for Micrsoft’s Street-Side Technology Preview of Windows Live Local Beta has once again been spotted on the road but this time it wasn’t actually spotted in the Street-Site Imagery found at: http://preview.local.live.com/ But instead by kimopupule a Flickr user who spotted this black (normally white) Windows Live Local Van while driving, he says his first words when seeing it were

By - Darren Straight

Microsoft Terminology Translations 2006

To provide users with more up-to-date terminology, Microsoft has now replaced the current content that was previously posted to the ftp site with a more concise document that is easier to use, moving this data from the ftp site to the Microsoft download center is also an effort from Microsoft to significantly increase reliability and accessibility for users. The Microsoft