Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Digg post: PostgreSQL or MySQL?

I was just checking Digg.com and noticed on the frontpage with 390 Diggs was a post titled “PostgreSQL or MySQL?” and thought to myself wow how freaky would it be if it happened to point to the exact same link I and 4 others had been looking at the other week while we were doing some research for our University of Kent Final

By - Darren Straight

Windows Vista 101 Sweepstakes

Enter to win great prizes including new Windows Vista Premium Ready PCs, flat-screen monitors, and Xbox 360 game consoles. Winners will be chosen weekly, with one grand prize winner chosen each month. The earlier you enter, the more chances you have to win (U.S. and Canada). To qualify, complete Windows Vista 101 and fill out the entry form. Windows Vista 101

By - Darren Straight

The Windows Vista Demo Readiness Toolkit

The Windows Vista Partner Demo Readiness Toolkit (DRT) enables you to check out the product for yourself, and gain the expert skills needed to effectively demo it to your customers. It includes Windows Vista RC1 and Microsoft® Office Professional 2007 Beta 2, and has been pre-populated with settings and media to simulate an end-user PC experience. You will also find