Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Reading Festival 2007 Rumours

Reading Festival 2007 is still several months away and I’m already excited, so excited that I still haven’t picked who’s going with me for free, yep you heard me right, last year I was a winner on the Microsoft Windows Live Sessions Fans Competition which gave me the chance to go with a friend (or someone very special 😉 ) to one of the various Major

By - Darren Straight

Windows Vista Remote Desktop Authentication Certificate Error

For some time now I’ve been trying to use Windows Vistas Remote Desktop Connection Application to remotely connect from one Computer with Windows Vista Ultimate installed to another Computer with Windows Vista Ultimate installed on the same local area network and workgroup. But every time I try to connect to the other PC from either the first or second PC I get the