Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Image Hidden In Windows Vista DVD Hologram

The wow starts now – or at least the word wow came into my mind when I saw this post at InsideMicrosoft. Apparently a spanish guy (nickname kwisatz) has found that there is a hidden image in the Windows Vista DVD Hologram. Or better said hidden images, as there are possible more but he has yet to find out what they are of.

The first one is he has found is of three people smiling! So you would think that this would be some sort of easter egg, even though Easter egss are rarely seen in Microsoft products now days. However according to Nathan Weinberg over at InsideMicrosoft he has got word from someone on the inside that they are running a query inside Microsoft, that emails are flying around trying to figure out who put the picture in there.

So I guess that pretty much means this wasn’t known until now, this wasn’t approved, and there’s some level of concern internally…. like I said WOW.

Update: New Images here and here.

Update 2: All is reveailed here.

2 thoughts on “Image Hidden In Windows Vista DVD Hologram

apathy June 15, 2007 at 3:20 am

now this i gotta check…i need to buy a magnifier for this… =)

PasserBy November 24, 2010 at 8:07 pm

Sorry to be so late responding to this item (obviously I have only just happened upon it), but in case anyone is still interested, I thought that I would point out the related fact that an IBM chip was once (in the 90s, I think) found to have the message “Bill sucks” engraved on it (such that it could only be read under an electron microscope). The “Bill”, of course, referred to the head of Microsoft. This was not the official view of IBM, and I understand that the engineers responsible were sacked.

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