Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

lastminute.com Talking iPhone Translator

Following the successful launch of the six free Talking Mobile Phrase Books for Nokia and Sony Ericsson cell phones in May earlier this year, software developers Coolgorilla have today announced an all-in-one version of the talking phrase books for Apples new iPhone. Sponsored by online travel and leisure retailer lastminue.com the iPhone Translator is a completely free service providing travellers

By - Darren Straight

Sonific launches Playlists: finally, no more one-track music widgets!

Sonific LLC, a leading provider of music widgets for social media sites, have recently announced the availability of playlists for its SongSpots music widgets. Following this release, a www.Sonific.com user can build and share fully customizable playlists with up to 25 full-length tracks containing any of the over 200.000 songs provided by Sonific, on-demand and in any order, without any restrictions, free

By - Darren Straight

The Wong and Only Logo Contest

Something’s missing on Mister-Wong.com and the Mister Wong Team need your help to fill that gap. So, they are holding The Wong and Only Logo Contest – an international crowdsourcing contest in search for their new logo. And they’re giving away $12,000 to find one! Starting now, till September 8, 2007 all international web designers, graphic artists, and artistically creative people are being called