Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Total Lunar Eclipse 20th/21st February 2008

Just a heads up that a total eclipse of the Moon will be occuring during the night of Wednesday/Thrusday the 20th/21st February 2008. The entire event will be visible from South America and most of North America (on February 20th) as well as Western Europe, Africa, and western Asia (on February 21st). During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon’s disk can take on a

By - Darren Straight

Sorry to disappoint you but this is not an adult site!

So I got the following email below the other day and it sure is making me wonder how my website or blog could be classified as an adult site when I don’t even talk on the subject, did make me check out my keyword statistics though, it’s funny too see what adult terms people had used to find my blog,