Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Packard Bell’s makeover

Packard Bell has very recently undergone an incredible makeover that is hoping to leave anybody breathless!

Here’s a snipet from the UK Press Release:

The Packard Bell brand is where simplicity, trends and technology meets to create fashionably new ways of living and ultra smart forms for working. Across all products and segments, Packard Bell sets the standard for cool, design-driven technology.

“We were carefully analyzing the Packard Bell brand proposition resulting from the group multi-brand strategy.” – says Gianpiero Morbello, Acer Group Vice President Marketing & Brand – “We are now completing one of the most relevant evolutions in the history of the Packard Bell brand – and of the group itself. We are moving on. From sharp edges to more rounded ones. From purple to red. From Packard Bell to PB.”

REDESIRE – The brand r-evolution

We live in a colourful world. Colours have different meanings in various cultures and are also used to express feelings and enliven language. Colours in the red area of the colour spectrum are known as warm colours. These warm colours evoke emotions ranging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings of passion and enjoyment.

While purple connotes luxury and sophistication but also mystery, envy and introspection, red is associated with heat, energy and blood, and also emotions such as excitement, passion, love and more. Purple does not energize the outside world, but relaxes and calms it. Red communicates ambition, power, vitality, enthusiasm and a desire to conquer. Red speaks to the outside world in a clear, distinctive and visually appealing language. Red is a personality amplifier, a life enhancer. It draws attention, captures it and keeps it there. Red is colour at its best. Red is the perfect colour to infuse the Packard Bell brand with the personality and strength of identity to position it as the leader in its particular segment.

But Packard Bell’s visual identity is not only changing colour from purple to red. It’s expressing the entire concept of the renewed Packard Bell, evolving from sharp to round, towards products which will be more and more distinctive for their strong commitment to pure design, mobility, ease of use.

Moving from Packard Bell to “PB”: That’s so cool!!

Packard Bell New Logo

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