Msn Beta Update.
I have just received the following email from the Msn Messenger Team asking me if I would like to join a new Msn Beta Test Coming soon for valued Microsoft BetaPlace members, of course I jumped right into the process of signing as did I on the last one, hopefully I will be helping out as much as possible in this beta test. That is all for now please wish us all luck!
We are looking for a group of testers willing to actively participate and provide useful feedback to our development teams. This will be a short beta program lasting only about 5 weeks. It is critical to the product’s success that each member of the beta program participates fully during this period. Regular and consistent participation throughout the program is expected. Incentives will be provided to the most active participants.
If you are selected as a beta tester, you may be required to:
Download and install beta releases of MSN Messenger
Submit bug reports online
Participate in private beta newsgroups
Work directly with a product group engineer to investigate bugs
Complete periodic surveys
Invite your friends or family to participate with youIf you are interested in participating click on this link and follow the instructions below.
2 thoughts on “Msn Beta Update.”
Broken July 13, 2005 at 8:09 pm
Good luck Darren with getting into the test. I hope I can get in to! 🙂
Darren Straight July 14, 2005 at 8:50 am
Its going to be great! 🙂