Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Live 8 DVD Update Watch Another Exclusive Video of Live 8

Well after getting home today I checked my email inbox and to my surprise I found out that some great comments had been posted on my Blog by somebody called Rikard which I met on the forums at Hosting Unlimited my hosting company anyway amongst these auto generated emails from my Blog I found out that I had received an

By - Darren Straight

Organic HTML

Organic HTML is a site which let’s you input a URL in an input and you get to see an organic plant grow, it’s very weird and nobody knows how it really works, maybe I should get in contact with the creator of it and see if he’s willing to shred any light on how it works. Organic HTML Site

By - Darren Straight

One free minute of anonymous public speech

One Free Minute is a mobile sculpture designed to allow for instances of anonymous public speech. When you call the cellphone inside One Free Minute, you get connected for exactly a minute to a 200 watt amplifier and speaker. The speech produced by the speaker can be heard clearly more than 150 feet away from the sculpture. You also get