Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Organic HTML

Organic HTML is a site which let’s you input a URL in an input and you get to see an organic plant grow, it’s very weird and nobody knows how it really works, maybe I should get in contact with the creator of it and see if he’s willing to shred any light on how it works.

Organic HTML Site

2 thoughts on “Organic HTML

Rikard September 6, 2005 at 9:05 pm

There are various Plant growing algorithms out there and they all amaze us humans but, as you point out, there seems to be little publicity as to how they actually work.

I think they will be better appreciated in the future and will hit the news as a subject but an email to the creator would be a good idea in my view.

I think basically it’s the maths of biology in action that we are seeing and the weird thing to us humans is that pretty much everything can be predicted – if the environment is virtual then we know enough to predict what will happen to plants & life forms and that is what we are seeing in these programs.

Although it may seem pretty neat when you try and do it in the “real world” thats when things change and you just don’t know what will happen IYSWIM.

Darren Straight September 6, 2005 at 11:42 pm

Yes I agree with you there are various plant growing algorithms out there but they are not that well known and when they are discovered we as human beings are intrigued to how they work and why.

I think your explanation is quite near to the truth or at least it’s near enough to what I would have said if I was asked to explain how it works.

However I will see if I can do some more research on this and gather up as much information as possible I then will email the creator with some questions that hopefully he will be able to answer.

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