Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Google PageRank Predictor

This tool does what it says; it predicts your future Google PageRank. But does this really tell the future or is it just random, well I’ve blogged about another tool this site has already the other day, so I trust it, but then again it does say “The results will provide a prediction of the future PageRank however this should

By - Darren Straight

My Internet Plot (MyInternetPlot.com)

My Internet Plot (http://www.MyInternetPlot.com) is apparently the World’s First Virtual Real Estate Trader, the website is created by Duncan and in a way it’s very similar to the original pixel website The Million Dollar Homepage because it sells pixels but instead of just selling them all over the page you actually buy plots of land on a map, I think

By - Darren Straight

Asteroid to hit Earth on Sunday, 13 April 2036?

Check this out will an asteroid hit Earth on Sunday, 13 April 2036? In a very sad way it would be cool to actually see it, but thing of the destruction it could cause, panic and mayhem throughout the earth luckily for us there’s a 99.98200000% chance the asteroid will miss the Earth! But that still leaves a 0.018000000% chance

By - Darren Straight

Scientists Discover 10th Planet’s Moon

Well it looks like the recently discovered tenth planet in our solar system also has a moon, though this is another great discovery because it can help scientists determine the new planet’s mass, it’s not likely to help the debate if this should be our 10th planet or not because there’s no official definition on what exactly makes a planet.