Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Windows XP Expert Zone Chat Room

Earlier today I loaded up the Microsoft’s Windows XP Expert Zone Chat Room in Internet Explorer 7 as I wanted too see how well IE7 worked with it in time of response etc. Anyway it worked pretty much ok, no surprise there though after all IE7 is made by Microsoft and the Windows XP Expert Zone Chat Room is hosted

By - Darren Straight

My Blog and Ms Discussion now on UrlyArt

Yesterday I applied for two tiles to be placed on UrlyArt so I could see if this site really would bring traffic to my sites or not and so far it hasn’t brought anybody but myself clicking the tile to make sure it works but hey the Image hasn’t been up for long so I cant really complain now can

By - Darren Straight

WordPress Plugin – Movable Anything – AJAX

I was just looking around for some interesting plugins to use on my Blog and came across a WordPress Plugin which is pretty cool because you can use it to make pretty much anything on your Blog movable with the help of AJAX, though I probably wont be using it on this Blog, it might come in handy someday or

By - Darren Straight

62-year-old woman gives birth

A Mother of 62 years of age who was born blind from birth has recently given birth, now don’t you find this quite chilling and a little bit wrong considering the circumstances?, Yeah I’m sure she’s given birth with all her heart after all you wouldn’t give birth to a child if you didn’t think you could handle it. But

By - Darren Straight

Seventeen Minutes Interview With Bill Gates

Channel 9 has now posted another interview with bill gates, pretty interesting questions asked I must say! On Monday, we had the honor of meeting with Bill Gates to discuss MIX06, IE, DHTML, AJAX, Compatibility, Office 12, and also gain insight into where he surfs on the web. He also shares with us where and how software can make the

By - Darren Straight

UrlyArt – Photo Mosaic Images of Website Screenshots

UrlyArt is another one of them sites like the Million Dollar Homepage that I think you are going to start to love very soon, it started up today, and I’ve just bought a space on it so let’s see how much traffic it brings! But for now as your probably wondering what the heck I’m on about, read the infomation

By - Darren Straight

Guerilla Light Graffiti – LED Throwies

About LED Throwies: Developed by the Graffiti Research Lab a division of the Eyebeam R&D OpenLab, LED Throwies are an inexpensive way to add color to any ferromagnetic surface in your neighborhood. A Throwie consists of a lithium battery, a 10mm diffused LED and a rare-earth magnet taped together. Throw it up high and in quantity to impress your friends

By - Darren Straight

Punk IT Comics

What Is Punk IT? Punk IT follows the adventures of Max Blade, an aging punk rocker who found employment as an IT worker. After a series of layoffs, Max finds himself the only IT worker his company has. Fed up with the company and safe from layoffs (he’s the only one left), Max discovers the ins and outs of corporate

By - Darren Straight

It’s official, 8 different flavors of Windows Vista

It’s been known for a while now that Windows Vista would have 8 product editions, but now we know the full name list: Because choices are good? Or because there would be more money to be milked? Perhaps the victims of having 8 different flavors of Windows Vista are the software vendors, who would have to explain the differences between