Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Seth Godin Speaks at Google

Just found a Blog post titled “Google’s Secrets Exposed” posted by Rick Segal on his Blog, and I must say thank you Rick for telling me about that Google Video with Seth Godin in it speaking to Google about its success. Here’s a very good use of 48 minutes. Seth Godin spoke to Google and, in 48 minutes, pretty much

By - Darren Straight

Website Validation and Monitoring with SEVENtwentyfour

Last month I was contacted by Roy at SEVENtwentyfour Inc to be told about a broken link on my Blog’s main page: http://www.darrenstraight.com/blog/index.php The problem was that somebody had used their email as their website address in the shoutbox, so the software that SEVENtwentyfour use had picked this up! They asked me if I would send feedback and if I