Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

sphere.com is live!

Thanks goes to Randy for telling me about this! 🙂

What is Sphere?
We bring you the good stuff a very simple idea that takes some smarts to do right. Sphere’s advanced search algorithm helps you discover high-quality, relevant, and timely blog posts that match what you’re looking for.

Who needs Sphere?
Everybody, of course! In one of three flavors…

  1. People interested in timely topics, who aren’t quite sure about this whole blogging hoo-ha.
  2. Readers who already use blog search engines, and are sick of disappointing results and spam. Those who secretly crave a faster, more intuitive, and feature-rich experience.
  3. Publishers who might like to include some really good blog content in their websites, but only if it’s really, truly good.

What makes us better than other blog search engines?
There are over 30 million blogs, and counting. With so many people reading, writing, and commenting on blogs (where do we find the time?), getting to the high-quality, relevant content on a timely basis is difficult. For a variety of boring, complex technical reasons (such as an exclusive emphasis on freshness, or a simplistic computation of “authority” or the inability to identify spam), other blog search services deliver less-than-satisfying results.

Here’s what you get when you use Sphere:

  1. An easy-to-use, intuitive search engine.
  2. Great search results, with posts ordered by relevance or time.
  3. Customizable time frames (play with our custom range filter, the grokiest feature in our site).
  4. Related mainstream media, books, photos and podcasts right next to the results for a complete picture of the conversation.
  5. Profiles and stats for each blog listed.

Via: sphere.com

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