Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

MSN Spaces Now Largest Blogging Service Worldwide

According to data released by comScore Networks, MSN Spaces is the most widely used blogging service worldwide with more than 100 million unique users.  The total number of unique users of MSN Spaces has more than doubled from April of 2005 to April of 2006 from 41.65 to 101 million. comScore figures show that during April 2006, nearly one in

By - Darren Straight

World66: the travel guide YOU write

World66 is an open content travel guide, where people from all over the planet can write about the places they love, the hotels they stayed in and the restaurants that have eaten. And it’s not just this you can do, World66 also has some fancy tools that they have provided which they hope will make world66 the best travel guide on the planet.

By - Darren Straight

Windows Live Local Birds-Eye view available for London

Following the recent availability of new Windows Live Local Aerial Photography for the UK, and yesterdays New release of Windows Live Local which includes real-time traffic reporting, new ways to collect and share search results, and tight integration with Microsoft Office Outlook and Windows Live Messenger. Windows Live Local now has a Birds-Eye view available for London. And this after yesterdays