Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Microsoft in talks to buy EBay and merge it with MSN

According to the New York Post, Microsoft has been in discussions for several weeks about a possible acquisition of the online auctioneer eBay so they can merge it with its MSN Portal. If this MSN/EBay acquisition was to go ahead it would surely give both MSN and EBay a great advantage over Google, but as the New York Post pointed,

By - Darren Straight

Announcing Internet Explorer 7+

With the release of Windows Vista Beta 2, The IE Team has now announced that they will be naming the version of IE7 in Windows Vista “Internet Explorer 7+”. While all versions of IE7 are built from the same code base, there are some important differences in IE7+, most significantly the addition of Windows Vista-only features like Protected Mode, Parental Controls,