Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Gtalkr instant messaging client is no more!

The Gtalkr instant messaging client is no more as yesterday the founders, Wes Carr and Dudley Carr who are brothers, shutdown Gtalkr to pursue new projects as Google employees. Thank you for your interest in Gtalkr. Unfortunately, the Gtalkr instant messaging client is no longer available. The Gtalkr website has been taken down while we pursue new projects as Google employees.

By - Darren Straight

Want to work on the BCL?

Would you like to work on the BCL (Base Class Libraries) for Microsoft, if so then read below for more information: Since Whidbey shipped, our team has been trying to fill some open headcounts in all discipline. The open headcounts are to replace people have moved on to other things and to fill some of our expanded charter. We have

By - Darren Straight

Google wants special treatment in Internet Explorer 7 (IE7)

Google seems to want special treatment on Internet Explorer 7, according to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. His remarks centered on the default search engine in the Web browser. Right now, when people update their version of IE to IE 7, the software won’t change their default search settings. “If you pick Yahoo, it will stay on Yahoo,” Ballmer said in

By - Darren Straight

Free Creativity Website Domain Name Giveaway!

Hey everyone, do you know of anybody, maybe even yourself, who would like to start a Creativity Website or Blog or maybe even a forum based website for discussing creativity, or anything else you can think of with your creative mind that involves creativeness! Why am I asking this well I’m asking this because I have a domain name registered

By - Darren Straight

David Blaines Drowned Alive Video

As you probably already know David Blaine has recently attempted to hold his breath for 9 minutes under water while trying to escape from chains, all this after already being submerged in water for 7 days in a glass sphere, also know to some as a human fish bowl! Well I’m sure a lot of you didn’t manage to catch

By - Darren Straight

TIOTI – Tape it off the internet

TIOTI which is short for Tape it off the internet is now in beta, with TIOTI you will have access to resources of over 16,000 television shows, and 88,000 episodes. Here’s a bit more about it from the site:  The good ship TIOTI, she be ready to set sail! Yup, we’re nearly done now, TIOTI is working lovely thank you

By - Darren Straight

Microsoft Representative for UK Students

Microsoft Representative for UK Students is here: By signing up to be a Microsoft Representative you won’t just get to find out about the best technology out there, you’ll actually get hold of it! Not only will you receive unique access to the representative portal that’ll keep you up-to-date with the latest technology Windows Vista, Windows Mobile, Expression and loads

By - Darren Straight

DevDays 2006 – Microsoft Application Development Platform

Microsoft’s annual DevDays event is coming soon (01 June 2006) and is designed to give you information on real-world solutions delivered by some of the US product team. This year the event will be themed around developer security and the Microsoft platform. Sessions include “Hacking Revealed: What the Bad Guys Don’t Want You to Know” and Microsoft’s vision for computing

By - Darren Straight

AllTheWeb Livesearch

Yahoo!-owned search engine Allthweb has now launched it’s Allthweb Livesearch feature which will display keyword suggestions as you type, this functionality is similar to Google Suggest. So far it’s looking pretty good but it would be nice if they also included the image search with this live search feature and I’ve also noticed some minor bugs like text links appearing