Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Microsoft puts police link on Messenger in UK

Users of Microsoft’s Messenger email service will be able to report suspected sexual predators directly to the police at the click of a mouse. In an attempt to protect the 11 million users of the service from potential abusers, the software giant has struck up a partnership with the UK government-backed Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre. Microsoft will add

By - Darren Straight

NotForNoobs.com revealed as Microsoft Habu Gaming Mouse

Just got word from my dear friend Eric Cheung that the NotForNoobs.com Website has now finally revealed what lays behind, that being the Microsoft Habu Gaming Mouse Project, some people or thrilled my this news but others were expecting something more exciting than just a mouse, especially after all the hyper. But hey if you’re a Hard Core Gamer I’m