Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Second Life Microsoft Visual Studio Launch Party Videos

Following the Microsoft Visual Studio Launch Party that happened in Second Life last week, Millionsofus have now posted some cool videos of the Visual Studio Island and launch Party. And hey feel free to come and see me sometime in Second Life, there’s free drinks all round and music to dance too. My username is Darren Sonic and you will

By - Darren Straight

Microsoft: Second Life On XBox Live?

During a recent Halo 3 event, Microsoft’s Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Game Studios – Shane Kim revealed that he has spent some time with the Linden Lab guys (developers of Second Life). Apparently, the guys are trying to build and incorporate a Second Life on Xbox Live or YouTube, Facebook, any of those big social networking services and sites to