Darren Straight's Blog

ICT Enthusiast and photographer.

By - Darren Straight

Total Solar Eclipse of 2006 March 29

Just heard about this via the Nasa Website: On Wednesday, 2006 March 29, a total eclipse of the Sun will be visible from within a narrow corridor which traverses half the Earth. The path of the Moon’s umbral shadow begins in Brazil and extends across the Atlantic, northern Africa, and central Asia where it ends at sunset in western Mongolia. A

By - Darren Straight

London under water by 2100 as Antarctica crumbles into the sea

I was just reading this Article By Mark Henderson on the Times Online website about how dozens of the world’s cities, including London and New York, could be flooded by the end of the century, as global warming could get worse than what they first thought, here’s a copy of the article. DOZENS of the world’s cities, including London and

By - Darren Straight

How to get ready to climb Mount Everest

Climbing Mount Everest for me would be like a dream come true, it surely must be a great experience to climb it and see the world from above, just think of them fantastic views on the way up! But theres a problem, I’ve never really done any professional rock climbing before so I would have to learn rock climbing before I

By - Darren Straight

Are you Living in a Computer Simulation?

The Simulation Argument with the phrase “Are you Living in a Computer Simulation?” is one area of study which has nearly always interested me, because I believe there is always a significant probability that we as are living in a computer simulation. If the simulation hypothesis is true, you exist in a virtual reality simulated in a computer built by an advanced civilization.

By - Darren Straight

Space-elevator tether climbs a mile high

I’ve blogged about the effort to build a space elevator before and will do again in the future until that day comes when we finally see a fully functional one from earth to space, but I guess for now all I can do is keep you updated on the latest news, and this times it’s news on how the LiftPort

By - Darren Straight

Fossett approaches decision time

Adventurer Steve Fossett has reached the US as he pushes on with his bid to make the longest, non-stop flight in aviation history. After arriving just after 1900 GMT, he is now heading for Florida, where he must decide if his Virgin GlobalFlyer has enough fuel to cross the Atlantic. Mission engineers’ calculations suggest it could be touch and go.

By - Darren Straight

Cyber Security and Computer Forensics joint honours degree

About 30 minutes ago or so I was having a general chat with Krishna C Mandava, one the moderators from Google Community, and he was telling me about this new course called Computer Forensics might be a good idea for me to do, and I thought wait a minute I like Forensics and I like Computers, would Computer Forensics not

By - Darren Straight

Study: Poles Could Start Melting Soon

Ok there’s been quite a lot of news about Global Warming lately so for those of you who are still living under a rock I thought I better post you the latest news about it! Jan. 31, 2006 Global warming could cause ice at both poles of the Earth to start melting this century, driving up sea levels, according to

By - Darren Straight

Russia to open moonbase mine

It look’s like the Russians have plans to build a moonbase, could this be the beginning of the planetary wars or space wars or why not Star Wars! RUSSIA is planning to mine a rare fuel on the moon by 2020 with a permanent base and a heavy-cargo transport link, a Russian space official says. “We are planning to build